
Latest Past Events

Pre-Ramadan Entrepreneurs day

Preseident Voortrekkers Hall 151 De Wet Street, Goodwood, Cape Town

ICON Goodwood will be having an Entrepreneurs Day. The learners will be selling boerewors rolls, burgers, baked savouries and sweet treats, frozen goods, dates, scarfs and accessories, tuck-shop goods and many more. There will also be some exciting raffells and prizes up for grabs. Please come and support our learners while they learn the valuable […]

Community Crime Forum Meeting

Goodwood Sports Club 54 Milton Rd Goodwood Estate, Cape Town

Please see the attached invite from Saps for a Community meeting to be held on 9 March 2023. This is only for sector 1 and 3. This is the area from Jakes Gerwel to Vasco Boulevard and Vasco/Goodwood railway line to Monte Vista Railway Line. Sector 2 will have a meeting on another date. Please […]


Goodwood Civic Centre 50 Mcdonald Street, Goodwood

Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Goodwood Residents and Ratespayers We are pleased to invite you to the Annual General Meeting which will be held on Friday, 3 March 2023 at 7:30pm at the Goodwood Civic Centre, 50 McDonald Street Goodwood.

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