Section 27 of the MPBL states that the City Manager must, at least every five years after the commencement of the MPBL, review the Development Management Scheme. The City has now prepared proposed amendments on the MPBL and DMS, after following due process in terms of this section.
The proposed amendments have, among other things, the following principles in mind: improving efficiency, expanding and recognising economic opportunities, addressing Mayoral priorities, general improvements and clean-up, etc.
A new Incentive Overlay Zoning (IOZ) is also proposed, as well as the designation of certain erven to create this proposed overlay zoning.
In terms of section 17 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000, the public and interested parties or groups are given the opportunity to submit comments on the proposals as contained in the draft amendment by-law and as advertised, from 22 July 2024 to 23 September 2024.
Comments in respect of the proposed amendments can be submitted by:
The City’s Public Participation Unit will assist people who cannot read or write, people living with disabilities and people from disadvantaged groups who are unable to submit written comments, to have their input or comments recorded and submitted to the City. Contact Anthea Bendie 021 400 1450 or for general public participation and disadvantaged groups
The proposals are available for viewing on the City of Cape Town website:
Contact Schalk de Jager at for any enquiries on the proposals.
Please see attached for more information.
Kind regards,
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