Please complete the survey below. It will assist the GRRA in responding to the application. We highly encourage all residents to also submit, individual comment directly to the WP Liquor board.
Notice is hereby given that the application below for a liquor licence, was received on 2024-01-16 Our Reference Number*.* *LLA24010003* Applicant’s Name*.* Fusta Ludjoe Type of Licence*.* Consumption OFF Premises Business Name*.* *Yumi Yumi Liquor Store*
Proposed Address Erf: 7246-RE, 2 COOK VASCO ESTATE
Subcouncil Details
Area: 3, Subcouncil 4, Ward: 26
The application has been lodged with the Western Cape Liquor Authority and was delivered to the City of Cape Town by the Goodwood Police Station
Please submit your comments by clicking on the link below, by latest *2024-01-26*. This will enable our office to submit the formal comments received to the Liquor Authority, on or before the due date.
*Click here <>*
When formulating comments or representations, commentators should take cognisance of the prescribed criteria for granting licences and grounds for disqualification; these include the following
*Criteria for granting licences*
34. (1) The Liquor Licensing Tribunal or Presiding Officer, as the case may be, may not grant a licence, unless it or he or she is satisfied on a balance of probabilities that—
1. the granting thereof is in the public interest; 2. the applicant is of good character, and not disqualified from holding a licence in terms of section 35; 3. the premises on which the sale or consumption of liquor will take place are or will upon completion be suitable for use by the applicant for the purposes of the licence; 4. the applicant has the right to occupy the proposed licensed premises; and 5. the granting of the application does not prejudice— 1. the residents of a residential area; 2. the residents of an institution for the aged or frail; 3. the learners of an educational institution who are under the age of eighteen (18) years; 4. the patients of an institution for drug or alcohol related dependencies; or 5. the congregants of a religious institution located in the vicinity of the proposed licensed premises.
*[x]* It is confirmed that this report has been checked and considered for POPIA Compliane .
The City of Cape Town is committed to respecting the privacy and personal rights of everyone who uses or enquires about our services. Protecting your privacy and personal information, as defined in the Protection of Personal Information Act, Act 4 of 2013, will be respected.
Please note that the information provided in the document will be used to process the relevant application/input into the relevant decision-making process. This will involve the processing of such information and may require the information to be shared and included in public reports and documents. By providing information in this document, you have agreed to such further processing of the information providedYour co-operation in this regard is appreciated.
Yours faithfully
*Ardela van Niekerk*
MANAGER Subcouncil 4
Request for Comment LLA24010003 – Yumi Yumi Liquor Store