Good evening everyone

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Firstly, let me extend an open invitation to anyone to come and meet with me in person to address any issues, concerns and together work towards implementing better solutions.

Please WhatsApp me on 079 182 5788 to arrange a time.

I will be available between 17:00 and 18:00, this coming week Monday – Friday 13-17 February 2023.

We can meet at Bootleggers Coffee at N1 City Value Centre.

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The current committee consists of the following

Mogammad Noordien – Chair

Mogamad Safedien – Vice-Chair

Jas Visser – Treasurer

Zurayda Christians – Secretary

James Ellis

John Smit

Omar Essack

Neville van der Rheede

Again, the invitation is open to anyone, if you want to come and assist, please call me 0791825788.

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Thirdly, the following are our current mediums of communication.

1. Website

2. Facebook

3. Email

4. Whatsapp


– The url of the website is

– All the latest announcements, news, requests for comment are all posted to the website.

– Please join the GRRA newsletter – as you will be sent a newsletter every Monday morning with all the announcements for the past week.

– The website now also allows for online registration for new members. To join apply here –

– A new community directory has also been added, which allows you to add a listing of your local school, place of worship or business in the area.


– We have a Facebook profile – .

– All announcements, will also be posted to this page as well.

– It is currently at its limit of friend requests and we will be moving to a business profile in future.


– Please join the GRRA newsletter – as you will be sent a newsletter every Monday morning with all the announcements for the past week.

– Please email If you donโ€™t get a response then please contact me on 0791825788


– The WhatsApp platform currently consists of 3 groups

1.) GRRA Information Group

2.) Goodwood C3 Service Calls

3.) GRRA Notice Board

– The GRRA Information Group has temporarily been made a notifications group(i.e. only admins of the group are allowed to post) to give the committee time to reassess the administration of the group.

– Please reach out to any of the admins if there is anything that you wish to share with the group and they will post it.

Again, if your willing to assist please reach out to me.

Kind regards



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