Notice in terms of Section 33 of the Local Government Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 33 of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003 that the City of Cape Town (“the City”) intends entering into contract(s) relating to: Contract Number: 242Q/2022/23: Construction of Phase 2A IRT Infrastructure: Work Package W2 along Turf Hall Road from the M5 to Castor Road/ Benona Road until 30 June 2027.
The contract(s) will impose financial obligations on the City for a period longer than the three (3) financial years covered in the annual budget for the financial years 2023/24, 2024/25, 2025/26 and 2026/27. Notice is further given in accordance with Section 21A and Section 21 of the Local Government Municipal Systems, Act 32 of 2000, that –
a) The local community and other interested persons are invited to submit comments or representations to the City in respect of the proposed draft contract(s). Such comments or representations must be received by no later than 20 October 2023 via electronic mail on the email address provided below or be delivered to the mailing address provided hereunder.
b) Copies of the Draft Contract(s)/MoA and Information Statement summarising the City’s obligations in terms of the draft agreement(s) are available for inspection at the locations listed hereunder as well as at all the Subcouncil Offices, City Libraries and will also be accessible on (official website of the City).
c) Further details and clarity can be requested via email at and will be made available on the above-mentioned website.
Physical address Mailing address The City Manager Tender Distribution Office 2nd Floor, 12 Herzog Boulevard Cape Town, 8000 Vusumzi Lawana
Physical address Mailing address The City Manager Tender Distribution Office 2nd Floor, 12 Herzog Boulevard Cape Town, 8000 Vusumzi Lawana